
i don't check these sites regularly! please be safe on the web and don't download or click on anything that looks fishy. i don't endorse everything posted on these web domains, or necessarily all the conclusions that the authors come to.


this webpage is devoted to cool or useful sites or information that i've found! the links all go to the specific pages, but i've only listed the domain for space reasons.

FREE academic reference resources:
archive.org find all sorts of out-of-print, ephemeral, hard-to-find books -- including textbooks and zines! also, uh, basically anything.
pdfdrive.com a free pdf downloading and hosting site!
wikibooks.org a wikimedia-sponsored collection of open-content textbooks.
annas-archive.org a repertoire of more free books with a mirror to other popular open libraries.
gutenberg.org a site hosting a library of 70k+ free ebooks.
connectedpapers.com enter a research paper and find out where it's been cited and what it cites to find a wealth of other resources!
sci-hub.se a collection of millions of research articles from across journals, books, and academic conferences, free to download.
enhance your web browsing experience:
12ft.io a helpful tool for bypassing paywalls on articles.
greasyfork.org download userscripts and user styles to customize how your web pages display or behave.
ublockorigin.com a free adblocker!
adblockplus.org another free adblocker, though i've heard this one isn't as good. i like using both.
addons.mozilla.org a mozilla add-on that protects you against tracking by cdns like google and cloudflare.
addons.mozilla.org a mozilla extension that helps you customize and edit youtube's increasingly shit-filled search results. begone, youtube shorts carousels and "viewers like you also watched!"
life tips:
consumerfinance.gov if your hospital is a nonprofit, you NEED to check in on their financial assistance policy! if you file an application, you can get your medical bill free or discounted! they keep this hidden on purpose, but they should have it on their website or you need to ask a representative outright! know your rights!
costplusdrugs.com billionaire mark cuban's pharmacy that sells you your prescriptions at their ACTUAL price. you can save hundreds of thousands of dollars. yes, it's legit.
wsbtv.com DO NOT USE FLEX TO PAY RENT! it doesn't tell you the fee you'll owe them for splitting up your payments and you could end up a thousand dollars in debt!
fcc.gov check the requirements and see if you could be eligible for reduced-price broadband internet!
painnewsnetwork.org know what's wrong with you but forced to deal with doctor egos? try this trick to subtly manipulate them into respecting your awareness of your own damn body and mind!
karalane.com know why buying high end clothes is usually paying for brand name, not higher quality.
bbc.co.uk/food thousands of free recipes that are hosted by a public association -- NO ads, NO backstories, and NO amazon partnership recommendations!
stopncii.org have you ever had intimate photos of yourself published without your consent? reach out here; these people can get them removed no matter what.
youtube.com did you lie about your excel proficiency for that job and now you're paying for it? here's a quick, holistic rundown to get you acting like a buff in no time.
ia802306.us.archive.org how to protect yourself and others if you're being interrogated by the police.
ia801709.us.archive.org how to remain calm under pressure if you've been arrested to keep you and your comrades safe.
things about the world you should know:
www.feedingamerica.org if you want to help food banks/homeless shelters/clothes drives/etc., donate money, not the items themselves!
ag.purdue.edu gmos aren't bad for you!
bbc.com/news/disability NEVER touch a person's wheelchair, cane, or other aid! that's like if a stranger came up to you and touched your body!
jandonline.org msg is completely safe and the campaign against it is born out of racism and xenophobia!
decolonizepalestine.com israel is a settler state that europe imposed on palestine!
wired.com the degradation of the internet and web platforms from web commerce to social media is because of capitalism! there is no free internet for the people as long as it's controlled by private interests.
learningforjustice.org fat people aren't any less healthy! their mortality rates are because fatphobic doctors deny care because of learned biases.
goodhousekeeping.com the bmi was bad science, but it's also extremely racist. it only used white european men for its data and the effects of the bmi on the healthcare system impact bipoc worst!
propublica.org machine bias -- bias by machines that, naturally, mirrors the human bias in its data pool -- is so common that it's even incorporated into "risk detection" measures used by the law.
web.colby.edu learn about the origins of race and the modern-day evil of "colorblindness."
why acab?
msnbc.com a brief history of usamerican police.
jrsa.org police, when put under the strain of their work, rely on their implicit biases for shortcuts just like any human. living in a racist society means that these biases are racist.
latimes.com corporate interests that say they need police for protection are lying.
medium.com read the confessions of an ex-cop.
inputmag.com read more about how police act when no one's watching.
defector.com read about why prison abolition is more just than our current system.
gdpo.swan.ac.uk read about the explicitly racist history of drug criminalization, which police happily carry out.
washingtonpost.com the use of k9 units is both animal abuse and racist.
newrepublic.com police interfere with democracy.
cbsnews.com police needlessly endanger and traumatize children, especially children of color.
inthesetimes.com read about the polices' purpose in protecting bourgeoisie interests at the expense of the poor and working class.
left-wing information outlets:
marxists.org a free collection of essential and detailed marxist texts for the scholar and the newbie.
struggle-la-lucha.org an independent socialist newspaper focused on the working class and members of imperialized countries.
anti-imperialistfront.org another anti-imperialist publication.
hcn.org a newspaper owned and run by first nations people, about first nations people.
allafrica.com desc.
docs.google.com a "book club" style list of (and links to) free left-wing pamphlets, books, and chapters.
just for fun:
search.marginalia.nu a search engine oriented around text-heavy webpages instead of sites playing the seo game.
window-swap.com look at the view out of peoples' windows across the world.
ulc.org get ordained as a minister, for free! officiate all the marriages you want!
nhc.noaa.gov free in-depth satellite weather information!
fallingfruit.org locate any fruit/edible trees that might be in your area!
theoldrobots.com a comprehensive collection of old robot toys through the decades.
dolphin-emu.org the one and only, much beloved dolphin game emulator. for free, as always.
radio.garden listen in to radios across the world!
radiooooo.com listen to music across the world, across the decades!
music-map.com find musicians similar to the one you enter!
window-swap.com look at the view out of peoples' windows across the world.
my90stv.com this website uses uploaded tv programs to simulate watching tv in the 90s (or 50s-00s)!
web design resources:
gifcities.org the internet archive's catalogue of gifs from geocities!
textanim.com make animated text gifs.
www9.lunapic.com a comprehensive, easy-to-use, online photo editor repetoire.
blinkies.cafe generate blinkies from a variety of presets!
piskelapp.com a free online pixel art/gif maker!

click on the coffee to go home!

coffee cup from top-down
