mood: listening to: peel session #1 - joy division
reading: crime and punishment my fyodor dostoevsky
watching: steven universe again.
playing: my toys
eating: swag meal
drinking: cawfee
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did you know?
click for a fun fact! also, feel free to pet my dog while you're here.
when i died, my spectral essence was scattered across wikipedia and now-defunct kids' mmorpgs where you play as an animal. my psychic power threshold never fully recovered, plus it made me really pretentious about things that aren't very good. also, kind of a furry? meanwhile in fleshspace, i somehow make it work as a crippled usamerican adult with a full-time academic job.
i like critical theory, writing improvisational sci-fantasy fiction, and lurking amateur internet archival ethnography. i'm an enjoyer of theatre aesthetics despite rarely performing, bushcraft although i'm profoundly unhandy, cartoons regardless of being thoroughly untrained in art, and comedy.
this website will be sporadically updated and is predominantly used like an archive for yours truly. i have a bad memory and like to save what i care about here, especially as an autist who cares a LOT about a LOT of different things.
a non-exhaustive list of things i feel a kinship with in no particular order
obsolete consumer electronics, the multiocular o (ꙮ), 1950s-1990s animatronica, a webkinz put through a wash cycle, odd-looking mutts on, jesters, wizards (the cool ones with robes and orbs, not the racist british kind), dust, barn owl gifs, bad horror fiction related to cartoons and/or puppet shows, β canum venaticorum, adults who still play flash games, dead malls, biblically inaccurate angel consumer goods, secondhand marionettes on, playlists of genres that no one listens to anymore, folkloric characters known by a job title, you because we are together on this planet<3
flavor: sour or spicy
season: autumn
food: salmon sushi with wasabi and soy sauce or dosirak with chicken and banchan.
animal: fur seals or wolves or crinoids or horses or numbats or flying foxes or spotted quolls or diplomoceras
plant: the humble allium
fruit: plums or green apples or crabapples. i'm sure i'd like gooseberries and lingonberries though.
pokemon: rotom or the porygon line. or hydreigon. it looks so bad
book genre: political nonfiction/fiction & absurdist/surrealist theatre drama
music genre: new wave collectively, or 90s hip-hop r&b, but less snoop dogg, more guy/midnight star. probably also vgm, but specifically low-budget rpgmaker-type.
film genre: animation (cop-out), psychological/horror/comedy. never the third one unless it's also one of the first ones and i prefer it to be unintentionally funny. the mask is an example of accidental horrific comedy. the fly is an example of an accidental comedic horror.
holiday: halloween
sport: get real
the title is misleading. these are both my interests and my evil nefarious disinterests, which i love to criticize. i hope it's obvious which is which. i'm trying to get less insane about doing shit that i worry offends people and my own damn website seems like a decent start. fuck megacorporations and don't give them your money, though, seriously. "no ethical consumption under capitalism" is a copout!
general conceptual interests
numerous strains of critical theory, leftist theory, soviet russian political history and organization, animatronics (particularly from the 1980s-2000s), retrocomputing, japanese language, retro children's animatronic toys, disney as a usamerican cultural/economic/political phenomenon, (paleo-)zoology, world history, cartooning, world religion, otherkinity/therianthropy, angelology, gnostic occultism and catholic history, 1980s us pop culture americana, bushcraft, freshwater fishing, aquatic fauna, forest/prarie ecology, wolves, obituaries, indigenous foodways, junk journaling
visual media
2001: a space odyssey, who framed roger rabbit, the truman show, the house (2022), little shop of horrors, the wiz, scream, saw 1, nope (*pirate; peele is a zionist), american psycho, the thief and the cobbler, tokyo godfathers, bill & ted's excellent adventure, chicago, perfect blue, paprika, spirited away, wolf children, pinocchio (2022), wendell & wild, coraline, the breadwinner, song of the sea, wolfwalkers, fantastic mr. fox, wall-e
video games
undertale, deltarune, off, yume nikki, yume 2kki, .flow, mother, bloodborne, lisa: the first, animal jam classic, animal crossing: city folk, night in the woods, inscryption, skyrim, minecraft,, space funeral, witch's house, half life, parappa the rapper, five nights at freddy's (*pirate, usa republican donor), hiveswap
revolutionary girl utena, haibane renmei, puella magi madoka magica, kimetsu no yaiba, hands off eizouken!, aggretsuko, lucky star
bojack horseman, yolo: crystal fantasy, over the garden wall, futurama, steven universe (draw your own conclusions), pantheon, primal, vewn, samurai jack, infinity train, the amazing digital circus
live action
the glory, the good place, matters, the golden girls
wayneradiotv, defunctland, half life vr but the ai is self aware, don't hug me i'm scared, ena, ...homestuck
the jakarta method by vincent bevins, fun home by alison bechdel (*pirate), the wretched of the earth by franz fanon, bodies that matter: on the discursive limits of sex by judith butler, homonationalism in queer times by jasbir puar, a taste of power: a black woman's story by elaine brown, the autobiography of malcolm x, the third person by elaine brown, trotsky in exile by peter weiss, rosencrantz and guildenstern are dead by tom stoppard
new wave, xolo, drum 'n' bass, vaporwave, disco, 1980s pop/rock, 1990s hip-hop/r&b, plunderphonics, mallsoft, bluegrass, synthpop, muzak, acid jazz, funk, deep house, house rally, post-punk, ska-punk, ambient dnb, future funk, utopian virtual, hypnagogic drift, slushwave, industrial rock, big band, smooth jazz, jazz-funk, alternative indie/bedroom pop (specific kinds), shoegaze, electronica
bands and artists
devo, depeche mode, oingo boingo, tally hall, graham kartna, jack conte, david byrne, michael jackson, kmfdm, tears for fears, m.f. doom, new order, insane clown posse, nine inch nails, nero's day at disneyland, zapp & roger, midnight star, mort garson, j.g. and the robots, gotye, that handsome devil, justice, cab calloway, thomas dolby, trevor something, peter gabriel, jellyfish, roger joseph manning, they might be giants, johan trimman, everything everything, gorillaz, the derevolutions, infected mushroom, whitewoods, cyriak, luxury elite, sammy davis jr., fats domino, the platters, the ink spots, vhs logos, caravan palace, neil cicierega, lemon demon, cristobal tapa de veer, soft cell, wham!
like many victims of the 21st century's erosion of selfhood as nonconsumptive, i enjoy seeing reflections of myself in others and vice versa. i'm also a victim to the 21st/20th century predominantly usamerican cultural pastime of kinning.
kin me id
the results are in....
Argentinian Horned frogs seem to have been designed for the sole purpose of eating as much as possible. They appear to consist of two main parts: a mouth and a stomach. This is probably where they got the nickname "PacMan". Their needs are fairly simple, a warm habitat in a simple plastic box or aquarium with some shallow water and a few rocks so that they can laze around all day suits them just fine. They don't mix well with other frogs, even in their own species, as they are just as likely to eat them.
I am a subtle flavour, quiet and polite, gentle, almost ambient. My presence in crowds will often go unnoticed. Best not to spill me on your clothes though, I can leave a nasty stain. What Flavour Are You?